David Spriggs, Installation view from PRISM (including The Logic of Control, Transparency Report, and The Visible Spectrum), 2015. Layered engraved glass sheets in half column display case. Digital video projection installation on a 4 minute loop.
David Spriggs
Database works: Spriggs, David. The Logic of Control. 2014. Layered engraved glass sheets in half column display case. // Spriggs, David. Transparency Report. 2014. Engravings on 9 sheets of tempered glass layered and spaced in transparent plexi-glass display units. // Spriggs, David. The Visible Spectrum. 2015. Digital video projection installation on a 4 minute loop.
Born in Manchester, England, David Spriggs currently lives and works as a large-scale installation artist in Montreal. He has exhibited nationally and internationally, and his work is in the permanent collection of both the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts and the National Fine Arts Museum of Quebec. Spriggs earned his BFA from the Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design in Vancouver and his MFA from Concordia University in Montreal.Website:

Donna Szoke and Ricarda McDonald, And all watched over by machines of loving grace (Installation view from exhibition at Plug ICA), 2012. Interactive video installation involving computer, software, large monitors and a sensor. Image courtesy of the artists. © Donna Szoke and Ricarda McDonald.
Donna Szoke
Database work: Szoke, Donna and Ricarda McDonald, And all watched over by machines of loving grace, 2012. Interactive video installation involving computer, software, large monitors and a sensor.
Szoke is a Canadian media artist whose practice includes video, animation, writing, installation, and collaboration. Her work has shown in Canada, US, France, Germany, Hungary, Croatia and Turkey. Her work exhibits in public art, interactive video installation, outdoor site-specific video installation, film festivals, theatre and dance. She has received numerous research awards and grants for her work, including SSHRC, BCAC, OAC and Canada Council for the Arts. She holds a BA, BFA and MFA and is currently a Visiting Artist / Assistant Professor at Brock University in the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts.Website:

Michael A. Robinson, Subject to Scrutiny, 2013. Camcorders, cameras, tripods. Image courtesy of the artist. © Michael A. Robinson.
Michael A. Robinson
Database work: Robinson, Michael A. Subject to Scrutiny. 2013. Camcorders, cameras, tripods.
Born in Germany, Michael A. Robinson currently lives in Montreal, where he is an artist and educator in visual and media arts at l’Université du Québec à Montréal. Drawing upon multidisciplinary praxis in his sculptural installations, he, in his own words, “examines the creative gesture, its conditions of emergence, and the position of the artist in face of art world conventions.” Robinson has exhibited throughout Canada and France, and his work is included in numerous permanent collections, including the Museé d'art contemporarin de Montréal, the Musée nationale des beaux-arts du Québec, and the Canada Council Art Bank.Website:

Kate McQuillen, X-rays Series (Drop Point Blade), 2013. Pressure Monoprint on Rives BFK, 30" x 22." Photo documentation by Stephen DeSantis. Image courtesy of the artist. © Kate McQuillen.
Kate McQuillen
Database work: McQuillen, Kate. X-rays Series. 2013. Pressure Monoprint on Rives BFK, 30" x 22." Photo documentation by Stephen DeSantis.
Kate McQuillen lives and works in Chicago. Earning her MFA from York University in Toronto, she works primarily in print media, drawing, and installation-based projects. She has exhibited her creative projects in a variety of national and international venues, including Utah Museum of Contemporary Art (Salt Lake City), the Terrain Biennial (Various locales), O’Born Contemporary (Toronto), and The Comfort Station (Chicago).Website:

Edwin Janzen, Conspiracy Case, 2012. Performance/installation (photographs, looped videos, drawings, office furnishings, TV sets). Image courtesy of the artist. © Edwin Janzen.
Edwin Janzen
Database works: Janzen, Edwin. Conspiracy Case. 2012. Performance/installation (photographs, looped videos, drawings, office furnishings, TV sets). // Janzen, Edwin. New Masters. 2015. Vinyl cut-outs, installation on staircases.
Originally from Winnipeg, Edwin Janzen currently resides in Montreal, Quebec where he works as a digital media and installation artist. Janzen describes his art practice as examining “how human character and knowledge are shaped in climates of suspicion and uncertainty, with society languishing in the grip of irresolvable ideological fantasies and insufficiently critical technology fetishes.” He received his BFA in Interdisciplinary Studies/Video from Concordia University in 20080 and his MFA from the University of Ottawa in 2010.Website:

Eric Forman, Auto-surveillance Encounter, 2004 and 2015. Miniature surveillance camera, video projector. Timed performance. Variable dimensions. Image courtesy of the artist. © Eric Forman.
Eric Forman
Database work: Forman, Eric. Auto-surveillance Encounter. 2004 and 2015. Miniature surveillance camera, video projector. Timed performance. Variable dimensions.
Eric Forman is a Brooklyn-based artist working with interactive installations and responsive sculptures. With his work, he aims to develop creative projects that blur and push the boundaries between art, design, performance, architecture, technology, and science. Forman received his BA in 1995 from Vassar College and his MFA in 2002 from the Tisch School of Arts. He is the co-founder of BioArt New York, a collective pairing artists and biologists for unusual collaborations, and currently a faculty member in the Interactive Design MFA program at the School of Visual Arts in New York City.Website:

Donna Szoke and Ricarda McDonald, And all watched over by machines of loving grace, 2012. Interactive video installation involving computer, software, large monitors and a sensor. Image courtesy of the artists. © Donna Szoke and Ricarda McDonald.
you can see some of her work on vimeo, https://vimeo.com/ricardamcdonald
Ricarda McDonald
Database work: Szoke, Donna and Ricarda McDonald, And all watched over by machines of loving grace, 2012. Interactive video installation involving computer, software, large monitors and a sensor.
Ricarda McDonald is a Canadian artist whose practice includes computer-manipulated photography, video, sound, light and computer mediated installations and collaboration. In 2011, McDonald built a theremin and became one of the founding members of the Vancouver Experimental Theremin Orchestra (VETO). VETO performed at Xenakis: Vancouver New Music Festival 2011 and at the Interactive Futures’11: Animal Influence Conference held at ECUAD. She holds a BFA from the Emily Carr University of Art + Design, a BMATH from the University of Waterloo and is a graduate of the National Ballet School of Canada.Website:
you can see some of her work on vimeo, https://vimeo.com/ricardamcdonald

Steve Giasson, Performance invisible No. 29 (Épier quelqu’un ou quelque chose de sa fenêtre), 2015-2016. Performeuse: Alegria Gobeil. Photographe: Alegria Gobeil. 3 au 10 mars 2016. Image courtesy of the artist. © Steve Giasson.
Steve Giasson
Giasson, Steve. Invisible Performance No. 29: To spy on someone or something from one’s window. 2016. Photographs and video. // Giasson, Steve. VOX. 2015 and 2016. Mixed media. Variable dimensions.
Steve Giasson is a Montreal-based artist whose creative practice spans a range of mediums, including conceptual writing, art performance, photography, video, and installation. His work has been exhibited widely, both nationally and internationally, and in prominent festivals including the Liverpool Biennial 2012, and the Text Festival 2011 and 2014 (Manchester). Currently, Giasson is completely his PhD in Études et practiques des arts at l’Université du Québec à Montréal.Website:

Eva Clouard, Mont-reel, 2015. Digital installation, Geolocation app, smartphone. Variable dimensions
Eva Clouard
Database works: Clouard, Eva. Mont-reel. 2015. Digital installation, Geolocation app, smartphone. Variable dimensions.
Eva Clouard is a young French artist who graduated from l’école supérieure d’art et de design du Havre and l’École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs. Much of her creative practice is dedicated to reappropriating and subverting objects of common use, to new and surprising ends. She has exhibited her work throughout France, and has several exhibitions in the international context, including Montreal, Canada.Website:

Germaine Koh, with Ian Verchere, Broken Arrow, 2009. Image courtesy of the artists. © Germaine Koh and Ian Verchere.
see the work at http://germainekoh.com/
Ian Verchere
Database works: Koh, Germaine with Ian Verchere. Broken Arrow. 2008 and 2009 versions. Various exhibitions, including the group exhibition “Sorting Daemons: Art, Surveillance Regimes and Social Control,” Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Kingston, ON, 2009.
Ian Verchere is a Vancouver-based writer and creative director who has produced best-selling video games for Electronic Arts, MTV, and his own company Roadhouse Interactive.
see the work at http://germainekoh.com/

Marika Dermineur and Stéphane Degoutin, Google House, 2003-ongoing. Interactive online installation. Image courtesy of the artists. © Marika Dermineur and Stéphane Degoutin.
Stéphane Degoutin
Database works: Dermineur, Marika and Stéphane Degoutin. Google House, 2003-ongoing. Interactive online installation.
Born in Toronto, Degoutin is an artist, writer, and researcher currently based in Paris where he teaches at École des Arts Décoratif (ENSAD). With collaborator Gwenola Wagon, he has created a number of online works, including Terrorism Museum in an Airport (2009-2013, http://www.nogovoyages.com/terrorism_museum.html), and Dance Party in Iraq (2012-2013, http://www.nogovoyages.com/dpi.html). He is also the author of the book Prisonniers volontaires du rêve américain (Voluntary Prisoners of the American Dream), Editions de la Villette, Paris, 2006.Website:

Pierre Tremblay (with artists David Bouchard and Bruno Lessard, audio composer Alex Geddie), Meta Incognita: Summer Variations, 2010. Video installation. Kimmirut, Baffin Island, Canada. Image courtesy of the artist. © Pierre Tremblay.
you see more of his work at Nunavut Lights website, http://nunavutlights.com/
Pierre Tremblay
Database works: Tremblay, Pierre (with artists David Bouchard and Bruno Lessard, audio composer Alex Geddie). Meta Incognita, 2010. Video installation. Kimmirut, Baffin Island, Canada.
Tremblay is an interdisciplinary artist based in Toronto, where he is Associate Professor in the School of Image Arts programme at Ryerson University. Bringing together multiple technologies, Tremblay’s work often questions perceptions of the movement and flux of everyday life. He has exhibited widely, both nationally and internationally, and his works are held in numerous collections.Website:
you see more of his work at Nunavut Lights website, http://nunavutlights.com/

David Rokeby, Gathering, 2004. Video installation. The Art Gallery of Hamilton. Hamilton, ON for the São Paulo Bienal. Image courtesy of the artist. © David Rokeby.
David Rokeby
Database works: Rokeby, David. Machine for Taking Time, 2001. Video projection, stored digital images, custom software. In multiple exhibitions, including “Early Delights/Deep Gardening,” curated by Su Ditta, Oakville Galleries, Oakville, ON. // Rokeby, David. Sorting Daemon, 2003. Camera, LCD screen, computer. Goethe Institut, Toronto, ON. In multiple exhibitions. // Rokeby, David. Gathering, 2004. Video installation. The Art Gallery of Hamilton, Hamilton, ON for the São Paulo Bienal. // Rokeby, David. Taken, 2002-2009. Video installation. In multiple exhibitions and locations, including Art Gallery of Hamilton, Hamilton, ON (2002); “Interaction '05,” Toronto International Art Fair, Toronto, ON (2005); “Profiling,” Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY (2007); “Synthetic Time,” National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China.
Based in Toronto, Rokeby is an installation artist who has been creating artworks since the 1980s. Much of his recent art practice uses digital media to question issues of surveillance and the differences between human and artificial intelligence. He has exhibited widely in national and international exhibitions, and is the recipient of a number of prestigious artist awards.Website:

Kathleen Ritter, Interloper, 2005. 4-channel video installation with sound, 100 performance scripts, photographs, map, map pins, cork board. Image courtesy of the artist. © Kathleen Ritter
Kathleen Ritter
Database works: Ritter, Kathleen. Interloper, 2005. 4-channel video installation with sound, 100 performance scripts, photographs, map, map pins, cork board. // Ritter, Kathleen. Hidden Camera, 2008. Pigment inkjet print. 122 x 91.5 cm. In multiple exhibitions, including “Wide Open” at the Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Hamilton, ON, 2008, and “Sorting Daemons: Art, Surveillance Regimes and Social Control,” Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Kingston, ON, 2009.
Ritter is an artist and curator based in Vancouver and Paris. Her art practice often addresses the broad intersections of visibility with systems of power and technology. From 2007 to 2012, Ritter was Associate Curator at the Vancouver Art Gallery where she organized a number of exhibitions, including How Soon Is Now; Beat Nation: Art, Hip Hop and Aboriginal Culture (with Tania Willard); and Rebecca Belmore: Rising to the Occasion (with Daina Augaitis).Website:

Jennifer Marman and Daniel Borins, Google, 2010. Installation. Toronto, ON. Image courtesy of the artists. © Jennifer Marman and Daniel Borins.
Jennifer Marman
Database works: Marman, Jennifer and Daniel Borins. Google, 2010. Installation. Toronto, ON.
Based in Toronto, Jennifer Marman completed her undergraduate work at the Unviersity of Western Ontario and her graduate work at OCAD University in Toronto, ON, where she met her collaborator Daniel Borins. The two have been working together since 2000, creating a variety of sculpture, installation, and multi-media works.Website:

Melanie Lowe, You Saw Me?, 2008. New media database projection. In the exhibition, “Cake on the Icing,” curated by Shaun Dacey, InterAccess Electronic Media Arts Centre, Toronto. Image courtesy of the artist. © Melanie Lowe.
Melanie Lowe
Database works: Lowe, Melanie. You Saw Me?, 2008. New media database projection. In the exhibition, “Cake on the Icing,” curated by Shaun Dacey, InterAccess Electronic Media Arts Centre, Toronto.
Originally from Halifax, Lowe is a video and digital artist currently based in Toronto. Lowe earned a Bachelor of Design in Communication Design from NSCAD University, and a Master of Arts in Visual Art from York University. In her work, Lowe often questions the everyday actions and interactions between the self and others in contemporary life.Website:

Michael Lewis, Some Will Take More Prodding, Others Will Be More Difficult, 2008. Image courtesy of the artist. © Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
Database works: Lewis, Michael. Some Will Take More Prodding, Others Will Be More Difficult, 2008. Painting. In the group exhibition “Sorting Daemons: Art, Surveillance Regimes and Social Control,” Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Kingston, ON, 2009.
Originally from Hamilton, ON, Lewis currently lives and works in Toronto. He has been awarded a number of provincial and national artist grants for his work.Website:

Jason Kuhrt, Sousveillance Project, 2010-ongoing. Interactive media. Online. Image courtesy of the artist. © Jason Kuhrt.
Jason Kuhrt
Database works: Kuhrt, Jason. Sousveillance Project, 2010-ongoing. Interactive media. Online.
Based in Montreal, Kuhrt graduated from Concordia University (Montreal) with a BFA in design. He currently works as a freelance creative designer and web programmer.Website:

Arnold Koroshegyi, Rupture, 2009. 6-minute looped DVD video. Image courtesy of the artist. © Arnold Koroshegyi.
Arnold Koroshegyi
Database works: Koroshegyi, Arnold. Rupture, 2009. 6-minute looped DVD video. In the group exhibition “Sorting Daemons: Art, Surveillance Regimes and Social Control,” Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Kingston, ON.
Koroshegyi addresses the shifting concepts of place within geopolitical landscapes through his works in a variety of art media, including photography, installation, and intermedia. Based in Toronto, Koroshegyi teaches studio practices and art history at Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning, and the University of Toronto, Mississauga. His art has been exhibited throughout North America.Website:

Germaine Koh, with Ian Verchere, Broken Arrow, 2009. Image courtesy of the artists. © Germaine Koh and Ian Verchere.
Germaine Koh
Database works: Koh, Germaine with Ian Verchere. Broken Arrow. 2008 and 2009 versions. Various exhibitions, including the group exhibition “Sorting Daemons: Art, Surveillance Regimes and Social Control,” Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Kingston, ON, 2009.
Based in Vancouver, Koh is a conceptual artist who describes her art practice as focussed on “the significance of everyday actions, familiar objects and common places.” She has exhibited her works nationally and internationally, and also has an active curatorial practice.Website:

Thomas Kneubühler, Accessed Denied, 2007-2014. C-prints. Image courtesy of the artist. © Thomas Kneubühler.
Thomas Kneubühler
Database works: Kneubühler, Thomas. Private Property, 2006. C-prints. Various locations. // Kneubühler, Thomas. Access Denied, 2007-2014. Inkjet prints on banner. Various locations within Montréal, PQ; Edmonton, AB; and Québec City, PQ.
Originally from Solothurn, Switzerland, Kneubühler currently lives and works in Montreal, where he completed his MFA at Concordia University in 2003. He has exhibited his work throughout North America and Europe. In much of his art practice, Kneubühler investigates the way in which technologies of surveillance and social control blur the boundaries of private and public spaces in the landscapes of everyday life.Website:

Dave Kemp, Data Collection, 2009. Image courtesy of the artist. © Dave Kemp.
Dave Kemp
Database works: Kemp, Dave. Data Collection, 2009. In the group exhibition “Sorting Daemons: Art, Surveillance Regimes and Social Control,” Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Kingston, ON.
Kemp is a visual artist who, in his own words, “looks at the intersections and interactions between art, science and technology: particularly at how these fields shape our perception and understanding of the world.” He is currently completing his doctorate research in Art and Visual Culture at the University of Western Ontario.Website:

Antonia Hirsch, Double Blind, 2008. Installation (detail), mirrored acrylic domes. W 4.5m x H13.7m x D .5m. Photograph by Colin Griffiths. Image courtesy of the artist. © Antonia Hirsch.
Antonia Hirsch
Database works: Hirsch, Antonia. Double Blind, 2008. Installation, mirrored acrylic domes. W 4.5m x H13.7m x D .5m. Vancouver Community College. Vancouver. // Hirsch, Antonia. the invisible hand (after Adam Smith), 2009. 360-degree surveillance mirrors, fasteners. W 1047cm x H 511cm x D 11.5cm. Various locations.
Hirsch is a Berlin-based writer, artist, and editor, who has exhibited and published her work widely throughout North America and Europe.Website:

Marika Dermineur and Stéphane Degoutin, Google House, 2003-ongoing. Interactive online installation. Image courtesy of the artists. © Marika Dermineur and Stéphane Degoutin.
Marika Dermineur
Database works: Dermineur, Marika and Stéphane Degoutin. Google House, 2003-ongoing. Interactive online installation.
Dermineur lives and works in Paris, France. Her practice seeks to question the ways in which computer networks and programmes can create narratives using sound, language, and image. In particular, she specializes in artistic creation for and on the Internet. She is a member of the experimental group Incident.net, which is based in France, Canada, Senegal, and the Internet since its formation in 1994 (http://incident.net/). Dermineur has disseminated her research and art practices both nationally and internationally.Website:

Jennifer Marman and Daniel Borins, Google, 2010. Installation view. Image courtesy of the artists. © Jennifer Marman and Daniel Borins.
Daniel Borins
Database works: Marman, Jennifer and Daniel Borins. Google, 2010. Installation. Toronto, ON.
Based in Toronto, Daniel Borins completed his undergraduate work at McGill University in Montreal and his graduate work at OCAD University in Toronto, ON, where he met his collaborator Jennifer Marman. The two have been working together since 2000, creating a variety of sculpture, installation, and multi-media works.Website: